Sunday, January 30, 2011

how did bauhaus began and change over time.

t was found by Walter Gropius. He opened the school in Weimar, The German capital, in 1919. this school was thought of something more than school; it was a commune, a spiritual movement, a radical appoarch to art in all its forms, a philosophical center comparable to the garden of Epicurus. Gropius was called at that time a “Sliver prince” because of his personalities, appearance, and his attitude. Even though his family was not anyone big at that time. The first philosophy of this school was about “starting from zero”. He was trying to created anything that is clean and pure future. Their definition of pure future express in the form of hallmarks of the Bauhaus style were glass corners, flat roofs, honest materials and expressed structure. There were a lot of famous artists and architecture that used to teach in this school such as Paul Klee, Mies van der Rohe, Herbert Bayer, and Josh Albers. Albers taught the famous introductory course. He would walk into the room with pile of newspaper on the table and tell the students that he will be back in an hour. When he returned he would found 2 groups of student who did a really fancy amazing things like castle, airplane, etc. And another group who did just only one fold and make a tent. He would pick the fantastic pieces up and said ” these were meant to be made of stone or metal- not a newspaper”. then he would pick the simple one and said that ” this one make use of a soul”.
The starting from zero idea at that time was such a beautiful thing because Germany at that time was having problems about war, economy,and humanities.Therefore, starting from zero referred to nothing less than re-creating the world.
Gropius was convinced people that architects or artists who work with or are high class people are actually get their profit from poor people like they steal from the poor. Everybody should be equal and have their status because in 1919, the entire people was  synonymous with the workers. So he propose that the intellectually undeveloped levels of our people are rising from the depths. They are our cheif hope. So he annoced that Bahaus was about  the new architecture that was created for the workers. Second, was to reject all things bourgeois. Since just about everyone involved, the term called bourgeois was so dangerous, if someone work was called by that word mean that design is failed.
At that time, there were a really big opputunities for Gropius, Mie van der Rohe, and young architects who were antibourgeois  to work on the worker’s project housing that was created by co-opperation between two social democrats in both germany and holland. So there were many architects and artists in various movement gather here in this project. They announced, in one way or another, usually through manifesto, they just bring back architecture from the high class people to their people. And those style no longer belong to those who have high status . However, they said that people who wanted to be accepted to their new compound had to follow their rules, no matter what.
From this point, I found this phrase about people cannot have alternation to which they can say they like or do not like was pretty offensive and self-centered. The people who judge which one is good or bad still people who are the head of this group or community.
However, this movement actually gave all the artists and architects new perspective of their own ” where they said that they are independent from all bourgeois society” It actually created so much of history in 20th century art, Such as the cubists, Fauvists, Futurists, or secessionists.
The notion of the uncompamisable architect became highly contagious. Before the first world war , the privately financed Deutsche Werkbund had set about designing the perfect form of architecture and applied arts for all of Germany.
After the war, virious compounds- Bahaus, Wendingen, de stijl, constructiontivist, etc began to compete with each other in term of who had the purest vision. The competition was somehow became chaotic. For example, early the game, in 1919, Gropius had been in favor of bringing simple craftmen into the Bauhaus where everything should be made by working class people, all the wooden furniture. He want everything to be simple and he was also into the curvilinear design of expressionist so he combined those two together on his works.
However, in 1922, there were the first meeting of compound from all over Europe to discuss about their believe. Theo van doesburg the fiercest critic from Ducth was criticise work of Walter that his work was only serve for rich people, because only loaded people can effort handmaded. The art for poor people should be made by machine.
In my opinion, Theo made the good point though if we look at the principle or the concept that Walter tried to present. So after that Walter realized that Doesburg was actually backing him into dreadful corner. So he came up with the motto for his compound which was ” Art and Technology”. After that there were many movement going on.

However, in my opinion, I oppose most of their what they called "motto" or the way they think. After all, what they were trying to do was to abandoned what they were and try to control other people options. I mean that first, they just simply said that " Bahuhaus" was for anyone who want to strating fresh from the war and getting better but after all they said that whatever it was, they still have to do or work or live in what they're provided without protesting. I felt really awful about this because they were not only trying to abandon all the history that was their root but persuade people by just simply "Lying". But don't get all offensive, people have their own way of thinking and i just think they should not just said that ok we don't think the element that was existed so if you want to be with us you're not allowed to anything that involve about what you are in the past. Does that really good way of designing? I thought, designing was all about " open-minded" and take other people opinion seriously and trying to adapt what is best in every angle. I maybe wrong after all because most of famous architects seem to obsess with the term of "Modern". Like what "Peter Eisenman" use to wrote in one article that PEOPLE TEND TO SEE MOST ARCHITECTURE AS A SYMBOLS. SUCH FACTOR AS ORNAMENT AND HISTORICAL STYLE CARRY SUCH A POWERFUL ASSOCIATIONS THAT THEY ARE OFTEN IN THEMSELVES CONTROL HOW WE PERCIEVE THE BUILDING. FUNCITON TOO IS A KIND OF CONTROLING SYMBOL AND SINCE IT MEETS OUR EXPECTATION, WE ARE RARELY TO PROVOKED TO ANALYZED IT MORE CLOSELY. I think, this thing was so true and still is. People try to be or something new and it's great but they still have some references from the past as well as "Modernist". For example, they still use columns as the load bearing as well as the wall and they were just said it's purely their invention. Well.....not really they were already existed before all the movement. They only just eliminate decorative elements out left only something that " FUNCTIONAL" I mean aren't we all love art because of it's actullay pleasing our taste and beautiful. It doesn't have to function at all time, it can work both way. if i can make suggestion.

ok then enough with my agreesive opinion, after all, the european architects were trying to hit america where there were no historical archiecture. and the of starting from zero was nothing then. they had nothing to compare or attack.

now should be what i purely think, i like one bit idea of Bauhaus where they want their people to learn something new. that's why people struggling to have education. however, they were too hardcore to control their people with what they should do and think. That's impossible. how can you be so creative without looking, refering, having imagination from what you've seen before. i mean, they were great and still are but they should try to compromise their theories and be more open-minded with their appoarch to all kinds of art. don't just say abandonded what you see and think as what you're told. that's ridiculous.

ps. this was the first analysis that i did on tumblr which is really confusing for me so i change to blogspot.

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