Sunday, January 30, 2011

from metropolis to Bauhaus

ok! let's start with the general infomation with of the film. It's called metropolis was produced Fritz Lang in 1927. The film interpretated urbanity in a " HARSH WAY" They use the level of the group defined class of people where the all the working class is in " the depth" down below the earth the cave like factory where the heart of energy was operated. They show how the workers and everyone in the city was actually annymous except for " JOH FREDERSON '' who rule the city. even the son of him was refer as Freder which was frederson's son. All the workers were known by the number. They were nothing. They went down below and showing how hard workers all work to keep up with the machine.

and then cut to the scene where there is joyful party where there is a running contest on the upper city. If we notice we can see that the size of human and the wall of the stadium was totally different. This thing might apply to the "classical time" where they built the building for god for timelessness so the building would be high to serve that purpose. Then they cut to the scene where freder was in his "eternal garden" that his father was created for him where there was a sculpted columns and the fountain where "BAUHAUS" theory was totally trying to demolish. However, the movie start to fate to more drama when the woman name "Maria" where she bring all the children from down below and tell freder that they are his brother who deserve better. And that when Freder decided to go down and find out what was going on down below the earth where he found that people work like the machine < so robotically> and how the machine can really harm them when there was a mistake. He was hallucinate that the machine was some kind of demon and then when the crisis end, workers from other shift took over as if nothing happens and the people who got injure or death was removed to somewhere else. and then the production line began again.

They were showing how terrified Freder was so he ran to elevator to his father's office upper city. The way they decorated "Fredersen's office" was quite interesting where there was one huge table in the middle of the office and no decorative elements just pure machine. and the huge grid window to look out in front of his desk where he can see outside as well looking in. < sound fimiliar use of glass corner and expression structure> however, there were the scene were they show the whole picture of the upper city and then i realize that most of the are really in Bahaus and Le corbusire theory except the middle where there was still showing some curvy line of structure on the roof that wasn't doing any work. ok then let's get back to the topic that Freder told his father that how terrible of the depth was and what would he do if they raise against him. Fredersen was quiet for awhile and looked at his worker about why he learned this from his son not him so he just cruelly fired that guy. The guy was trying to kill himself because he didn't want to be in " the depth".

However, Freder was after him and offer the worker a job to be him while he will be down below experience and find the solution of the problem, they agreed and did that. and then the story go on and and on about how they imitated the machine that look like Maria the mediator in order to ruin the plan of revolution and then Fredersen got betrayed by the scientist. however, his son was the one who help him and the workers compromise at last. At this scene we can see that the place that they try to compromise was all well-decorated, there were many sculptures on the and as well as the oversize door behind them.

The movie was capturing how people were so afarid with the word " the machine" and how workers seem to be like nothing but tools at that time. I personally, think actually showing both negative side of even if they tried to stay away from the past and trying to do a better future. The workers still have to work hard, still have to do mass-production. Where Bauhaus architects thought that it was good that use honest materials and workers would help them to have a better lives. maybe they were wrong because the one who commission all those project for the workers still the high class people and they wouldn' t have to care anymore about their workers because the machine can do anything. This movie is actually capturing another perspective toward the mass-produced. Bauhaus architects tried to built the house for the workers where they limited everything and people couldn't complain about it and have to follow so what's the point at the first place to tell people that they would not have to suffer under anyone order anymore, they would be free! Yeah! < but you have to do what we told you to do so as well as working as hard because mass produce were good, it saved money.> but i'm not sure, it actually really have any benefit to the workers at all.

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