Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bullets Fired Up

New knowledge everday #1 

Will the bullets ever fall back down?
yes! what goes up must comes down!

There are two case scenario though.
1.> fire in a "verticle" way or straight up into the sky.
The impact of  a .30 caliber bullet weighing .021 pounds would actually made a mark about one-sixteenth of an inch deep in a soft pine board — about what you'd get giving it a good whack with a hammer. This test is being obtained by  Hatcher's Notebook (1962) by Major General Julian S. Hatcher, a U.S. Army ordnance expert.

For further boring theory it's because of when we fired up the bullet into the air. The air itself has a "resistance" and when the bullet reach its top, it's stop and then dropping down. So The time will take longer to fall down as well as it's velocity will be decreasing due the those fact.

2.> There are still some people that get hurt badly and death by the cause of having bullets falling from the  sky into their heads!

There are some research and victims that had being confirmed by doctors that they were being kill by falling bullets! Therefore, stop doing the act because it can cause "Death" And even if it's actually being fire in vertically way as hard as we find the way it's can injured people so stop doing the act.

For further on information 

From Los Angeles Times about the problem of falling bullets in L.A. around New Year's and the Fourth of July.  According to the article, doctors at King/Drew Medical Center, a major L.A. trauma center, published a report in a medical journal (Journal of Trauma, December 1994) saying that between 1985 and 1992 they treated 118 people for falling bullet injuries around New Year's Eve or the Fourth of July. Thirty-eight of the victims died.


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