Saturday, March 26, 2011


The concept of expressionism is quite intriguing because of its form and how they build things or draw things before the technology that can compensate with their design even exist. If we think of example that demonstrate this "lable" would the example that Robert Venturi talk about "A duck and where we build a building that is still form follow function but the exterior actually telling people that is not major in art or architecture can understand the building even if they are driving pass the  place. Which basically means that they building has to be a sign of the place and express what the place was there for.

As i understand, i think people trying so hard to put lable on each thing and even architects and some of them hold that against their ideas but i think the group of this people actually somehow manage to break away from that. That didn't mean they try to strip away from their roots or histories but using them as if references or the combination of the qualities that quite controversial or say the strong point that still reveal in their works. 

First architect of this topic would be " Frank Grahry" who seemed to be the architect that made so much money in our century. The interesting is that he learned from "the master of "modernism" who overly concerned on the details and elimination which he didn't ageree on every subject that they taught him.In history class, i caught that he was inspired by fish scale but for me his translation on that matter or form is quite well and extreme in the early phrase of his work almost literally taken the form but i think that is how people < not us architects,artists> become to pay attention or be part of architecture. Like a break through and we can see that if it start extream, it will go far and getting more sense on that extream, so for me going extream is a good thing than playing save!.

Frank Grahry house.


Frank Gehry - Fish Dance Restaurant in Kobe, Japan, 1986 - 1987
fish dance restaurant.
For me, the way he trying to merge architecture and sculpture together is a really good impression because in Modernism it became clinically separated as something literally and figuratively exterior to the discipline.                                         

Famous Walt Disney Concert Hall    
The Walt disney concert hall is his breakthrough work where he can lead so many people to come to LA. to see this sculptural architecture..... even if there are many attackers upon this building on the budget as well as immature gestures or whatever that buidling against their theories. I think, this building make the city of box becomes lively again by using his own experimental way of breaking the form and the inspiration from the school of fish and what we learned from history class is that the builiding also interacted with its context. As if this is ike the box that breaking down into pieces and some of them are twisted. Love the flowing feeling when I just got to see only the picture.

To be continue more on two great architects < ZAHA HADID AND JEAN NOUVEL> my idol

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